Morning Moon Alpacas

"Let's Talk Fiber"

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Mycoplasma Haemolamae in Alpacas

Saving Your Alpacas' Life

“The Silent Killer”

Mycoplasma Haemolamae

This paper is to help you save your alpacas' life from one


Social Environment for Alpacas

Social Environment:

Alpacas need to live in association with other herd animals, preferably at least one other alpaca but three is a herd. Without appropriate companionship, most will fail to thrive. Therefore, it is recommended that alpacas never


List of Frequently Used Medications

Dose Your Alpacas with Correct Amounts of Medication

I Am Not a VET!

I have 18+ years experience keeping my alpacas healthy and well. Listed below are common drugs used for alpacas and the normal dosages. If you have any question about the use or dosages contact me or your vet.

Once in a whi


Parasites and Drug Resistance

Great information for Alpacas as well!!!!!

Over the last few years the problem of parasites resistant to dewormers has exploded. The problem varies dramatically depending on the area of the country and the individual risk factors each producer has. We will discuss species differences then tal


The Tax Benefits of the Alpaca

Legal Tax Information

In addition to their stress reducing and other lifestyle benefits, alpacas permit unique diversification of financial portfolios. Unlike conventional investments, alpaca ownership features tax deferred wealth building and compound appreciation.



Heat Stress in Alpacas

Help Your Alpacas Survive

Time for the annual review of heat loads . . . There is quite a bit of confusion and this may help clear up some of the issues.

First, none of the heat load equations I have seen thrown about on the site take into account the wind or the dew point


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