Morning Moon Alpacas

"Let's Talk Fiber"

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Educational Consulting Services

Let Our Experience Work For You!

Contact Us for Pricing & Terms *MASTERCARD, VISA, Discover & AMEX Accepted*

Knowledge comes from experience and we are more than happy to share our many years of experience with you. While there is always something new to learn, some of the basics remain the same.

We will gladly explain the 'How To's' of alpaca farming which would include:
- pasture
- fencing
- housing
- breeding
- birthing
- neonatal care
- conformation
- parasite management
- fecal testing
- health management
- teeth care - front and fighting
- foot care
- herd and individual evaluation
- animal training
- owner training
- show ring training
- And of course our specialty - Fiber! (preparing a fleece for judging and/or processing fleece into roving/yarn).

- Fecal Analyses Performed ($7.50 per test)
We analyze fecals. If you need fecal analysis contact us and we will schedule fecal testing with count results for your alpacas. Method us is the Wisconsin Sugar Float Centrifuged. "Same Day" Hard Copy of Results via email and a phone call for imediate results.

We continue to attend seminars and stay as informed and up to date as possible. We suggest that you refer to several different sources for information and gather that which pertains to your own unique style and circumstance. We are happy to help you to sort through what you find and answer questions that you still may have.

We use a combination of Marty McGee Benett techniques and our own found techniques for animal handling.

We use Norm Evans Recomended Products & Use "The Alpaca Field Manual" as Our Main Reference (So does our Vet)

We offer the first four hours of consultation as a gift to you. We charge fifty dollars per hour for those hours beyond the first four, then refund that money back to you if you purchase an animal from us.

All Services are Performed with a Detailed Contract
[email protected]

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